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Why Your Company's Data is Important and Tips to Ensure Its Integrity

August 16, 2013
Everyday, everyone, everywhere is bombarded by data. Nowhere is this more evident than in business because data is a vital piece of the business success equation. For this reason, it's important to ensure you have accurate and reliable data, a.k.a data integrity. Here are some tips to effectively manage your company's data integrity...

4 Emerging Technologies That Will Change How We Do Business

June 17, 2013
It is easy to look back and say how different technology was fifteen years ago. It’s also not a stretch to say that technological innovations like laptops, broadband Internet, and USB drives have made the workplace more efficient. But what comes next? Below are 4 emerging technologies that should, in the next 15 years, make as much of an impact as the laptop computer had on the last.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

